SmallTime 1.0d released

SmallTime 1.0d is finally going live. If you are using smalltime, I highly recommend you to download this new version due to some nice usability updates and bug fixes.

Warning: your events from 1.0c will not be ported to 1.0d. However, for next versions there will be a solid compatibility layer that will always convert your data to new version. I am sorry for any inconvenience.


  • new file saving system
  • there are now two types of events: countdown and timer. Timers have green color, countdowns are orange (better distinction in next versions)
  • when you edit an event, it will stay in place
  • events are separated by lines for better readability


  • bug #4: Using # symbol in event name or description causes program to fail. Program will not be able to start because data file gets corrupted.
  • bug #5: app will not start if msvcp100.dll is not present in your operating system. [this needs to be confirmed but it should work now]

As always, you can download SmallTime here ->