Premium subscriptions

Note: premium subscriptions are canceled due to legal trouble connected with providing premium services.

After a long, long time I can dedicate myself to continue developing software again. There were no updates for the last year but this project is not dead, updates and new stuff will be coming out this year… or at least some beta release.

I spent last almost 365 days improving my skills, freeing up more time for my projects and rethinking the strategy to bring the best experience to you. But not everything during that time was unrelated to this website. I made concepts of new software that will bring the fun back into this place. Also, I already started to work on a remake of project that did not recieve my attention for a long time. I will give you more info in a few weeks.

However, to speed up things even more, I need to pay my bills and pay for this website . To keep things going as planned I need to work overtime at my job, so if you want to make the development go faster, you can now support me via SubscribeStar crowdfunging platform. In return, you will get:

  • monthly progress reports
  • access to a Discord server where you can contact me directly and ask for customer support faster than via e-mail
  • early access to all software/games that will be later publicly available here
  • i am thinking about providing access to beta releases of new software versions but I am not really sure about that

However, the most crucial information will be still available on this website and you can still get customer support via email on I will try to help you there but note that it may take some time for me to reply because there are many things with high priority that I have to attend to.

More news will come soon after I will publish my first progress report for premium subscribers here: I know that I have made this decision in a very hard times, but every crisis will pass and after that, we can flourish and grow. I wish good luck to everyone still reading this and of course, stay safe.