All posts by admin

SmallTime for Linux internal test


Just a quick update before I go to sleep. I just managed to install Linux operating system and launch SmallTime on it. Icons are obviously not loading for some reason but all other functionalities seem to be working.

Click the image for larger preview.

More news when I will not have to work overtime on saturdays 🙂 . Stay tuned


Linux support update


Just a short note: I will throw some more money into hardware in late August or early September  where my Linux operating system will be. I have almost done setup of my development enviroment in a way that will allow me quick multiplatform deployment. That means that in a future, Windows and Linux versions of my projects will ALWAYS be released on the same day.

Meanwhile, a concept of my latest project has advanced to an early prototype phase. I cannot tell much more but I can tease you with a picture of some metal balls. gule

SmallTime 1.0d released

SmallTime 1.0d is finally going live. If you are using smalltime, I highly recommend you to download this new version due to some nice usability updates and bug fixes.

Warning: your events from 1.0c will not be ported to 1.0d. However, for next versions there will be a solid compatibility layer that will always convert your data to new version. I am sorry for any inconvenience.


  • new file saving system
  • there are now two types of events: countdown and timer. Timers have green color, countdowns are orange (better distinction in next versions)
  • when you edit an event, it will stay in place
  • events are separated by lines for better readability


  • bug #4: Using # symbol in event name or description causes program to fail. Program will not be able to start because data file gets corrupted.
  • bug #5: app will not start if msvcp100.dll is not present in your operating system. [this needs to be confirmed but it should work now]

As always, you can download SmallTime here ->

SmallTime 1.0d preview

SmallTime 1.0d release is planned on 9th July 2016.

SmallTime 1.0c contains a bug that causes the whole program to stop working after you put # somwhere in the event name or event description field. I had to refactor big part of program to fix this bug but it was worth it and new features and settings can be added with ease in the future.

Data from SmallTime 1.0c will unfortunately not be loaded into 1.0d but for future versions there will be a reliable backward compatibility system. I could make it possible to convert 1.0c data to 1.0d but it would not fit into the new backward compatibility system and would cause problems when trying to load old corrupted data.

Also, I started to work on a new project concept but in this early stage I can not promise anything.

Note: data shown in theese pictures are for SmallTime feature presentation. They do not neccessairly represent any of my personal information.

10d_1 10d_2

Nerderity Report 0.99h released

Nerderity Report version 0.99h has just been released. Here is a list of changes

  • general difficulty tweaks
  • room marked as “Psycho room” has it´s original content from closed alpha version restored.
  • after collecting all keys at the end of stage 3,  trapdoor will open
  • new, self-made music

Here is a link to a new Windows version of Nerderity Report:


Originaly I didn´t want to make any more updated to this game on current game engine but if you played previous versions of this game, you probably know that I had to do it and I don´t want to talk about it. Unfortunately, Linux version will have to wait untill next month. After that, Linux version of Nerderity Report and probably SmallTime will be avaiable.

Scheduled website maintenance

Website maintenance is scheduled on sunday 20.3.2016 at 10 AM. Server may be unavaiable for a couple of minutes and in worst case, horrible things will be happening for an hour or two. However, closed test worked out well and everything should go fine.

More updates next month. Have a nice day.

SmallTime 1.0c released

Happy new year everyone! SmallTime 1.0c has been just released with following changes and features

  • app should consume a little bit less memory
  • after next update(1.0d) your countdowns from version 1.0c will not be deleted after upgrade
  • Date and time of countdowns is now being set via dropdown menus. This change makes it more comfortable to set a new event, mainly for users with certain types of keyboards
  • you can now edit your countdowns (finaly, yay!)
  • minor user interface changes
  • minor changes under the hood that no one cares about 🙂

Now, you can dowload SmallTime 1.0c by clicking on the button below… of in the software->SmallTime section of this websice.

Note that some data on image preview are censored due to privacy reasons.

smalltime1  smalltime2

SmallTime 1.0c sneak peak

I had some unexpected things to do combined with finishing touches on SmallTime 1.0c. This is the preview of what will it look like. I hope you like the new icon 🙂 There are some finishing touches left to do (notice the misplaced icons that need to be placed 2 pixels lower) but it will be ready on time. 10th January 2016

smalltime1_0c preview


Second video from three-part Unexpected Jihad series will be posted tommorrow.