SmallTime 2

Current version: 1.8.8

Smalltime is a minimalistic task tracker which provides you with short info on how much time do you have left to some event. For example test in school, your holiday or anything else. Track the date and time of important events or your achievements. It’ up to you.

SmallTime 1.8.8
Size: 5.69 MB
Version: 1.8.8
Published: September 7, 2024


Known issues:

If you experience any issues, or you have an idea on how to improve SmallTime, please send me an email to

#1Tasks show wrong time after changing timezonesfixed[1.8.3]-
#2Crash when DPI scaling is turned onfixed[1.8.5]Windows

Issue status:

  • open:  a new bug has been confirmed.
  • pending: bug fixing in progress. Some bug fixes are not tested immediately and stay in pending state for some time.
  • fixed indev: Bugfix will be present in next version of software.  It may take few weeks to few months depending on  stage of development cycle.
  • fixed: bug has been fixed.